Saturday, February 8, 2025

Watch the trailer for new film about intersex folks, Every Body

Focus Features will release Every Body in-theaters on Friday, June 30.

Every Body is a revelatory investigation of the lives of intersex people. The film tells the stories of three individuals who have moved from childhoods marked by shame, secrecy, and non-consensual surgeries to thriving adulthoods after each decided to set aside medical advice to keep their bodies a secret and instead came out as their authentic selves. Actor and screenwriter River Gallo (they/them), political consultant Alicia Roth Weigel (she/they), and Ph.D. student Sean Saifa Wall (he/him) are now leaders in a fast-growing global movement advocating for greater understanding of the intersex community and an end to unnecessary surgeries. Woven into the story is a stranger-than-fiction case of medical abuse, featuring exclusive footage from the NBC News archives, which helps explain the modern-day treatment of intersex people.

Director: Julie Cohen

Producers: Tommy Nguyen, Molly O’Brien and consulting producer Shana Knizhnik

Executive Producers: Elizabeth Fischer, Liz Cole, Andy Berg, Noah Oppenheim

For more information, please follow the film on social: Official Site | Facebook | Twitter| Instagram


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