Monday, February 24, 2025

What Are The Top 20 Cities For LGBT Retirement In 2018?

The amount of senior citizens in the United States is expected to double over the next four decades from 40 million in 2010 all the way up to 88 million by 2050, thanks in part to the Baby Boomer generation.

Although those statistics are easy to calculate to a certain degree, one that tends to be harder to find within is the amount of that population that identifies itself as LGBT.  Retirement is supposed to be an incredibly enjoyable time that each and every person to experience, no matter what their background is, as the ability to live out their golden years can be a very fun one especially if you are in a great city.

According to the national nonprofit Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE), today there are 3 million LGBT people age 55+ living in the United States. With that number increasing each year, the need to discover locations that are welcoming to LGBT elders also increases.

SeniorAdvice just published a list of the top 20 cities for LGBT retirement in 2018, and the cities span our continent in terms of just how amazing and “fabulous” these years can truly be.

The top 20 reads as follows:

1. Fort Lauderdale, FL

2. Austin, TX

3. Atlanta, GA

4. Portland, OR

5. Palm Springs, CA

6. Santa Fe, NM

7. Providence, RI

8. Seattle, WA

9. Columbus, OH

10. Los Angeles, CA

11. New Orleans, LA

12. Tampa, FL

13. Boston, MA

14. Salt Lake City, UT

15. San Diego, CA

16. Cleveland, OH

17. San Francisco, CA

18. Albuquerque, NM

19. Baltimore, MD

20. Pittsburgh, PA

Check out the SeniorAdvice website to find out why each of these cities make a great retirement for anyone in the LGBT community.

H/T Instinct Magazine

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4 thoughts on “What Are The Top 20 Cities For LGBT Retirement In 2018?

  • I think your top 20 cities for LGBTI retirement left out Orlando, FL. We husband and I have lived in Orlando for the last 20 years and have found this city to be very accepting of our lifestyle. We have lived in a straight upscale development and have always felt very welcome. Orlando scored 100 percent in a recent study of cities that have protections for the gay community. You included Tampa on your list and they only scored 88% they do not even have protection for our community and can legally discriminate in housing and employment! You should check your resources before giving a city a positive rating!

  • Long Beach, CA is one of the gay Meccas of California. I can see it as a great retirement city more so than places like Baltimore, MD. We. Have a Gay Mayor and boast the second largest LGBTQ parade and Festivals on the west coast and western US. It should be up there in number…btw…We are not Los Angeles…

  • Like the previous two comments I think that some cities have been lefts off the list. Yes Fort Lauderdale is wonderful, especially Wilton Manors, I’ve lived and worked in that area for nearly 30 years, However, I’ve grown tired of the ‘scene’ and have purchased property in Asheville NC. I’ve been pleasantly surprised that my new neighbors are educated, supportive and not at all what I originally thought, (considering all that craziness about bathrooms). In fact my transgendered housekeeper (from Fort Lauderdale) is spending time with me there this summer. She’s heard so much wonderful things about Asheville, and wants to see mountains! Over the years, I’ve known dozens of ‘half backs’ which we are called gay men who have moved to south florida only to go ‘half back’ north, to parts like Asheville, Lake Lure, Hendersonville, etc. I think you should check this out and consider adding this wonderful part of our country to your list.

  • What about retirement abroad?


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