Saturday, February 8, 2025

Whoopi Goldberg announces a third ‘Sister Act’ may be in the works!

This time, she’s saying to put ON your robes! In a chat with James Corden on The Late Late Show on Oct. 6, Whoopi Goldberg announced that a third Sister Act movie may definitely be in the works.

“For a long time, they kept saying no one wanted to see it. And then quite recently, it turns out, that that may not be true. People may want to see it,” Whoopi revealed. “So we’re working diligently to try to figure out how to get the gang together and come back.”

Both Sister Act and Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit are 90s classics, and feature Whoopi Goldberg in one of her most hilarious and iconic roles. In the first Sister Act, she plays a feisty lounge singer who goes undercover as a nun in a convent after being placed in a witness protection program. The other nuns fall in love with her talent and high-spirited personality, so they decide to bring her back in Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit to teach music to a group of inner-city Catholic high school students. 

The View host told Corden, “It’s fun and it feels good. And you know, nobody’s mad. It’s just, listen—bad singing, great singing, okay singing and then nuns. What’s better than that?”

Whoopi is now also starring in the new CBS series The Stand, based on the Stephen King novel of the same name. 

Watch Whoopi Goldberg’s interview with James Corden below!

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Kyle Jackson

Kyle Jackson is an educator, writer and actor currently spending the bulk of his time between New York, New York and London, England. He is an active member of both the bear and leather communities and is a proud member of the MidAtlantic Chapter of ONYX.

Kyle Jackson has 80 posts and counting. See all posts by Kyle Jackson

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