Friday, February 7, 2025

Wil Fisher chats with Richard Jones on latest Queerly Beloved pod

As co-founder of Gray Jones Media, one of the world’s fastest-growing LGBTQ media companies, Richard Jones has plenty to say on many topics, and is adept at thinking off the top of his head and on his feet. It’s little wonder then that he makes such a great guest on Queerly Beloved with Wil Fisher.

This entertaining and thought-provoking podcast is hosted by Wil Fisher, of Willfully Living fame. Fisher is dedicated to helping people live their most unique, authentic, and joyful lives. This includes everything from coming unapologetically out to tapping into the divine self. “I believe that finding clarity around your unique version of success and happiness, and identifying what special gifts you are meant to share with the world, then following those guideposts with courage and passion are the keys to living a fulfilled, satisfying, and joyful life,” says Fisher.

The Queerly Beloved podcast delivers playful and profound interviews with LGBTQIA+ trailblazers whose work deals with or touches upon spirituality and personal growth.

Richard Jones, of course, has led several queer publications representing unique demographics within our community to success, including Queer Forty (for the 40+ crowd), Vacationer (for LGBTQ+ BIPOC travelers) and Bear World Magazine (for queer bears of all genders).

Fisher is a life coach, spiritual healer, and drag queen who loves getting super wu and chatting with fascinating folx about all things spiritually queer and queerly spiritual. You’ll love hearing guests’ spiritual path stories and gain knowledge as they share discoveries, insights and wisdom.

In this episode Fisher and Jones talk about the bear community and its significance culturally and spiritually. They explore the evolution of bears as a community and as an identity. British-born, New York City-based Jones shares his story, and his relationship to spiritualism, including communicating with spirits of the dead. He also shares how spiritualism has kept him connected to his mom and dad who have both passed.

Listen to the podcast here.

Follow Wil Fisher and Queerly Beloved on Facebook.

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