Friday, July 26, 2024

Win an exclusive Velvet t-shirt celebrating the release of Adam Lambert’s new album Velvet

Enter now for your chance to win a Velvet t-shirt celebrating the release of Velvet, the new album from international superstar Adam Lambert!

The new studio album from Adam Lambert features hits such as “Superpower,” “Roses” and “Velvet!” 

Out NOW:

Enter our competition now simply by filling out the form below with your name, email and tee shirt size. Winners will be drawn at random next Wednesday (March 25th) and will be notified by email. This competition is open to US residents only.

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Robin Gray

Robin is the co-founder of Queer Forty. He loves movies, TV, politics and video games. He has a passion for shining a light on underserved segments of the LGBT community and telling their stories.

Robin Gray has 18 posts and counting. See all posts by Robin Gray

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