Saturday, February 22, 2025
PoliticsWomen's Rights

Women’s March announces massive national day of action for repro rights and racial justice

On Saturday, October 8, exactly one month before Election Day, women and their allies will turn up in force in cities across the country for a massive nationwide “Women’s Wave” day of action meant to rally supporters of reproductive rights ahead of the 2022 midterms. 

The marches, hosted by Women’s March, in conjunction with groups like UltraViolet, All* Above All, the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC), the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and local activists across the country will demonstrate the overwhelming public support for reproductive rights and rally momentum to vote for pro-choice candidates and women up and down the ballot.


Photo: Gayatri Malhotra

The massive nationwide day of action comes as women, disproportionately impacted by the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, are expected to be a decisive voting block in the 2022 midterm elections. 

In the week after the Supreme Court’s decision, more than 70 percent of newly registered voters in Kansas were women – helping safeguard reproductive rights in the State by large, and unexpected, margins. With more women running for office than ever before, and significant spikes in voter registration in key states – the #WomensWave marches aim to emphasize that the Congressional and state elections this year mark a fight to protect basic freedoms. 


“Women and activists across the country have never felt more urgency to turn up and speak out against the political forces that have banned their rights to make life-changing decisions about their own bodies,” said Rachel Carmona, Executive Director of Women’s March. “We are fired up to elect more women and pro-choice candidates around the country into office who will protect reproductive freedoms and reject proposals aimed at restricting abortions. 

“We are down to the 11th hour. We must work together to take back our power and ensure women have fundamental rights to their bodily autonomy, for the sake of all Americans and future generations to come. That means turning out en masse on October 8th and showing Republicans and the GOP that the Women’s Wave is here to stay.”

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