Sunday, January 26, 2025

Women’s survey gathers record responses, seeks more over 65s

The number of LGBTQ+ women who have joined in the campaign to build knowledge about our community that will help to advocate for our needs and priorities, has exceeded expectations. However, more responses from older LGBTQ women are needed.

Survey organizers explain: “That’s why we have been closely monitoring not only how many people are returning surveys, but also who is missing. An early pattern is emerging, with a number of key communities, that are often overlooked in surveys like this, not yet reached. We are committed to making sure we reach everyone.”


“We know that race, age, where you live, income, gender presentation, are some of the factors that shape and influence opportunity and privilege in our country. We want to explore how those factors impact our community specifically.”

Community members that need help to reach at the moment include older women (65 plus) and younger women (under 21); Black, Latinx, and Indigenous women; women who left school without getting a high school diploma; veterans; and women who are displaced or housing insecure.

If you would like to work with the survey to reach out to LGBTQ+ women that are currently under-represented in the survey, fill in the contact form below.

For more information, go here.

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