Yes, you do need another queer podcast!
The QueerCentric is exactly what the LGBTQ+ community needs, according to Producer and Host Jonathan Shuffield.
We grabbed a few minutes during the release of his body positivity holiday campaign which kicked off on December 12th, to get a peek into his thoughts about why we need it!
I asked Jonathan why another podcast is needed, and he said: “Because the more queer voices and the louder we raise those voices, the better! In a world hellbent on erasing us, we MUST speak and NOT just for the version that settles better in middle America, but for all of us. Every body type, no matter how we identify ourselves, every letter of our queer alphabet and beyond!”

Jonathan went on to say, “Representation matters! Media has finally begun to show queer people in the tapestry they portray as life, but we still have a way to go. The QueerCentric stands to offer a voice to the rest of us, to represent a queer world not so homogenized. We do not want to take away from the version of us that is currently allowed the spotlight, we simply want to add to it. Instead of waiting for permission, we choose to boldly move forward creating our own path. We celebrate all of us, the rest of us…. because there is room for everyone. Sometimes you just have to make the room yourself. This show is about real people, real community members talking about the things they care about. You don’t have to be a celebrity to be heard, but you can be. You don’t have to be a politician to affect change, but you can be that too. Every walk of life, every human being deserves a voice and when they sit down with me, they get just that. Entertaining and frivolous at one point to serious and informative at the other. It’s time to stand up and be counted as the authentic human beings we all are”.

The QueerCentric releases every Tuesday in audio AND video formats at
Watch out for TQC’s live events and film productions! Join the movement,