Thursday, March 13, 2025
New YorkTheatre

You had to be there…The Lineup

Susie Mosher reports back from her incomparable variety show at Birdland. Photos: Gene Reed

We had a blast last Tuesday. The Lineup was in full bloom. So much talent in the room. Let’s break it down.

We started the show with the fabulous Romelda Teron Benjamin. Looking gorgeous all in white, Romelda sang the crowd-pleasing “Natural Woman” and the rafters shook. Her voice is stupendous. Incredible job!

Next came the suave and sophisticated Eric Yves Garcia. This guy is so cool. Playing and singing a Noel Coward song, he makes me feel like we are in a swanky supper club in France. Just wonderful.

Kimberly Hawkey, a woman I had not met in person was next. She did not disappoint. Her sound is sweet and supple, singing a jazzy song about bunnies she tickled us all. Terrific!

OMG!!! David Perlman and Natalie Weiss!!! They do the funniest, most cleverly performed bit where it seems like Natalie’s voice is coming out of David and visa versa. IT IS GENIUS. Natalie has one of the best voices on earth, she is famous for her riffs, and David is so specific and perfectly lip syncs her riffs. It is brilliant and I could watch it all day. Bravo.️

Holy Crapazoid, next came Marissa Licata, who literally tore down the house with her violin virtuosity. This young woman is so gifted, and she plays with such ferocity your heart beats faster. Sooo great. 

Then my friend Adam Feldman delighted us all by singing a swinging “Losing my Mind” by Stephen Sondheim. Yes you heard me, he did an uptempo swinging version of “Losing My Mind”! And it totally worked! This guy can really sing, and it was so fun to hear this song performed in a new way. I adore Mr. Feldman, who is one of the treasures of the Broadway community.

The adorable Aury Krebs was up after Adam. Her style is so current and her voice is a smokey, rich butter that I want to slather on everything. Loved her. She should be recording an indie album NOW PLEASE.

Lynette Sheard. Dear Lord in Heaven. This beautiful, statuesque woman is SPECTACULAR. She sings like a Goddess, the notes flying from her lips like jeweled butterflies. “My Funny Valentine” was heartfelt and glorious. This lady is special. We must have MORE LYNETTE!

And then our own Brad Simmons, the man behind the music, stepped out front and did an original song with the band that brought the show to a superb close. Wow, he is a great songwriter. Lovely. Of course musicians Clint de Ganon and John Miller were tight and tuned in, and a shoutout to Shannon Ford for drumming for Marissa, love him so much.

Another LINEUP is in the memory box, and such a sweet one it was.


Next Tuesday we have JW’s Inspirational Singers of NYC, they were on America’s Got Talent and did quite well. Juson Williams puts this incredible group together and they are each amazing. So excited to have them. Then Farah Alvin is singing, and she has a magical voice, she is a singers singer, well known to all in NYC. Also a young up and coming singer songwriter, Maddie Pizzarelli, who happens to be the daughter of Guitar Giant John Pizzarelli and Broadway star Jessica Molaskey, is a bright shining light who I am thrilled to have on the show. The whole Lineup is brilliant, if I do say so myself. Come see for yourself! TUESDAY 8:30 at the world famous BIRDLAND.


The Lineup with Susie Mosher is a wild, anything-goes variety show featuring entertainers from the Broadway, cabaret and comedy scenes. Out and proud actress/singer Mosher hosts the spontaneous extravaganza every Tuesday night, and each Lineup is unique and promises to deliver an unforgettable night of quintessential NYC entertainment.

Where: Birdland Jazz Club & Birdland Theater 315 West 44th Street New York, NY.

When: Tuesdays at 8:30 p.m.

Tickets here.

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Susie Mosher

Susie started performing professionally when she was sixteen in the West coast premiere of Godspell at The Old Globe Theatre. She's been performing ever since. Night clubs, theater, television and movies have been along her checkered path, including films Lost Souls, View from the Top, It’s Pat, The Wedding Planner and Bear City 2. She has been seen on TV in Beverly Hills 90210, Snoops, Veronica’s Closet, The L Word, and Nurse Jackie. Susie finally obtained her childhood dream of being on Broadway when she was cast in HAIRSPRAY and played Prudy Pingleton for the last two years of its amazing six year run. Susie has her own weekly show, THE LINEUP with Susie Mosher, at the world famous BIRDLAND in New York City, and is finally living her best life with her wife of 25 years and their baby boy.

Susie Mosher has 11 posts and counting. See all posts by Susie Mosher

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