Wednesday, March 12, 2025
New YorkTheatre

You had to be there…The Lineup

Local luminaries light up the room at New York City’s best variety night. Photos: Stewart Green

How is it possible? Each edition of THE LINEUP is its own special creation, and last week was truly SPECTACULAR. Moving, funny, gasp inducing and utterly joyful. Let’s get to it.

The luminous, golden voiced Anne Steele started us off with Elton John’s MonaLisa and Mad Hatters, and we all were bathed in her warmth and glory. With Will TN Hall playing beautifully, Anne absolutely wowed the sold out crowd. LOVE HER.

The impish and delightful songwriter Scott Evan Davis was next, and he had the brilliant idea to have Nicolas King sing his song. Nicolas is a phenomenal singer and Scott’s song was deep and moving. Fantastic.

Virginie Marine where have you been all our lives? Oh. France. That explains why we didn’t already know her. Singing in her native tongue she blew us all away. OMG. More Virginie please.

Brandon James Gwinn, he of black nail polish and smudged eye shadow, was hip and warm at the same time. Singing from his fabulous new release, BULLIT, he absolutely soared. YES.

And then came a moment I will never forget.

From the back of the house, with no introduction, we heard a smidge of dialogue from Sunset Boulevard and the magic of Alice Ripley took hold of us all. Singing As If We Never Said Goodbye, Alice took her time. Walking slowly through mesmerized faces she took us all in, every word she sang ringing true, piercing our very souls. Finding her way to the stage, finishing the song in the light the audience leapt to their feet, showering this true artist with love. It was EVERYTHING. Of course we had to have another song from this returning Goddess, and Tracy Stark jumped up to play for her. Alice is a STAR. There was no one who didn’t fully understand what that meant after witnessing last night. I am still wiping away the tears.

Alice Ripley

Not many people can follow that, but The Godfather of Cabaret was up to the task. The beloved Sidney Myer charmed us all with a food oriented Santa Baby and had everyone in stitches. Sidney truly is a gift to our community and watching him perform is a delight. LOVE HIM.

HOLY COW. Fire was on the stage next. David LaMarr and Darnell White are so blazingly good it’s CRAZY. David is a live wire, fully at home on stage. Strutting and prowling, he is in total command. Singing a song from their dynamic show Fully Vaccinated they blew the roof off. Darnell is a terrific songwriter. That simple. David is the perfect man to sing his music. It was divine.

Tara Martinez. TARA MARTINEZ!!!!!!!!!!! I want to yell her name from the rooftops. This woman is other worldly. Her voice is a chill inducing miracle. Singing Radiohead’s Creep, Tara got her own standing O. Bravo!!!!!!

The Boyband Project

To end the show the incredible The Boyband Project absolutely SLAYED. With there tight dance moves and 90s Boyband harmony they are so much fun and joy and bliss it’s impossible not to bop along and feel happy to be alive.

It was a night of magic and special moments, held together by the marvelous Brad Simmons, John Miller and Clint de Ganon, the best band EVER. Love them, love you, love LIFE. See you on Tuesday.

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Susie Mosher

Susie started performing professionally when she was sixteen in the West coast premiere of Godspell at The Old Globe Theatre. She's been performing ever since. Night clubs, theater, television and movies have been along her checkered path, including films Lost Souls, View from the Top, It’s Pat, The Wedding Planner and Bear City 2. She has been seen on TV in Beverly Hills 90210, Snoops, Veronica’s Closet, The L Word, and Nurse Jackie. Susie finally obtained her childhood dream of being on Broadway when she was cast in HAIRSPRAY and played Prudy Pingleton for the last two years of its amazing six year run. Susie has her own weekly show, THE LINEUP with Susie Mosher, at the world famous BIRDLAND in New York City, and is finally living her best life with her wife of 25 years and their baby boy.

Susie Mosher has 11 posts and counting. See all posts by Susie Mosher

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