Wednesday, March 12, 2025
New YorkTheatre

You had to be there…The Lineup

So many incredible things happened last week at The Lineup. Let’s get to it. Photos: Gene Reed

Starting the parade of talent was the delightful Travis Moser. In a sparkling jacket Travis sang the wonderful Linda Ronstadt song Adios. Great voice, great presence. Boom. We are off to the races. 

Next the elegant and silver throated Ann Kittredge swept us away with the help of the nimble fingers of Alex Rybeck. Wow. Ann is a wonder. 

Oh my GOD I adore Ari Axelrod. So willing to share himself with the audience. Funny, quick and a terrific singer,  Ari took us on a Jason Robert Brown ride, including playing a conga drum, and we were enthralled. 

That little bundle of joy that is Kelli Rabke was next, with her sweetheart John Fischer playing beautifully for her. Kelli is DYNAMITE, and boy did she go off. Her voice is magnificent and singing La Vie en Rose in perfect French, the crowd was transported to a little cafe on the Seine River where love reigns supreme. 

Carmi Harris

Next up the fire cracker that is Carmi Harris. Boy, she can sing. Her River Deep, Mountain High Was on Fire! The people were in LOVE! Way to go Carmi! The beautiful and understated Barrie Kreinik floated up to the bandstand next. I am nuts for this singer. Doing a Sara Bareilles tune she caressed each word and it was heavenly. 

Marilyn Maye

Okay. Next something INCREDIBLE happened. I’m still buzzing. The Marvelous Marilyn Maye, who was there in the audience, agreed to get up and sing. WHAT? Yes you heard me. MARILYN MAYE, the best singer in the WORLD, Sang a brilliant version of Put on a Happy Face and we were all rapt. She is so beyond all else. With Alex Rybeck accompanying her she made us all collectively swoon. She is EVERYTHING. Thank you dear Marilyn.️️

The Skivvies

And then came the one and only SKIVVIES! Lauren Molina and Nick Cearley are so glorious, funny, musical and almost naked on stage and I for one can’t get enough. I literally screamed for a second song, and thankfully they obliged. Thank God for THE SKIVVIES!! They make us all glad to be alive.

Next up the impish comic Brian Cichocki made as all LOL. He is adorable and devilishly funny, the crowd ate him up.  Thanks for the laughs Brian! Oh my WORD. 

Gayle Sommers was simply fabulous. She sang an original award winning song with the able help of Sara Gordon’s backup vocals. She had the audience in the palm of her hand. Excellent! And to end this magical night our band leader Brad Simmons sang one of his own songs and knocked it out of the park. Brad is an artist and it’s so grand to hear his inner life in his beautiful songs. 

We had Dave LeBlanc sitting in for Clint de Ganon and he was splendid! And of course John Miller played his ass off, and even shared a titillating story about Linda Ronstadt. Ask him to tell it next time you see him. What a night. See you Tuesday!

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Susie Mosher

Susie started performing professionally when she was sixteen in the West coast premiere of Godspell at The Old Globe Theatre. She's been performing ever since. Night clubs, theater, television and movies have been along her checkered path, including films Lost Souls, View from the Top, It’s Pat, The Wedding Planner and Bear City 2. She has been seen on TV in Beverly Hills 90210, Snoops, Veronica’s Closet, The L Word, and Nurse Jackie. Susie finally obtained her childhood dream of being on Broadway when she was cast in HAIRSPRAY and played Prudy Pingleton for the last two years of its amazing six year run. Susie has her own weekly show, THE LINEUP with Susie Mosher, at the world famous BIRDLAND in New York City, and is finally living her best life with her wife of 25 years and their baby boy.

Susie Mosher has 11 posts and counting. See all posts by Susie Mosher

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