Wednesday, March 12, 2025
EntertainmentMusicNew York

You had to be there…The Lineup

Marilu Henner singing! Not to single anyone out, though because…everyone in The Lineup is special. Let’s get to it.

The sassy, sexy siren Ilene Kristen began the festivities. With her dancer body and sultry voice she sang about being an original party girl and she SLAYED. The sold out crowd was instantly in her pocket, and the show was off like a rocket.

Next the gamin that is Zoë Van Tieghem stepped up to the mic and sang like an angel. The wonderful Billy Joel tune “Vienna” has never been more lovely. Bravo. Oh my, do I have a crush on Pascal Victor Pastrana. Tall and boyish, this charming young fellow sang a song from Cinderella. Talk about a prince! And his voice is to die for. Wow.

Who has more gifts than Christina Bianco? No one, that’s who. Her pure pizzazz and incomprehensible abilities make Christina a superstar. She is leaving for England soon, and NYC will be sorry to see her go.

Darius de Haas. OMFG. This man is THE ANSWER, to any question really. Who sings like a boss? Darius. Who commanded the stage? Darius. Who had the audience in the palm of his hand? Darius!!! ADORE HIM! Not to mention the exceptional Tedd Firth who played like a dream.

Marilu Henner

And then. The wonderful Marilu Henner and my dear, brilliant friend Michael Orland took the stage. What a light Marilu is, absolutely radiant. So alive and funny and joyful. I have always been a fan, but after getting to meet her and see her glow in person, I must tell you she is a goddess. And Michael is a perfect partner. 

Then my own Brad Simmons summoned his deep gifts. With the help of the one and only Sean Harkness on flaming guitar, he sang an original song and had us all grooving to his Brad Simmons beat. 

Marilyn Maye

AND THEN A MIRACLE HAPPENED. Marilyn Maye was again in the neighborhood and was again coaxed into joining me onstage and SINGING!!!!! With Michael Orland playing she sand Our love is Here to Stay. OMG IT WAS FANTASTIC. We were all in an altered state, wondering how we were witnessing such a spontaneous and mesmerizing moment. I truly think my body is still standing there with my heart exploding. Lord. Thank you for Marilyn Maye.

Who could follow that? Lauren Tyler Scott, that’s who. With a dusky, rich sound all her own Lauren brought us to her world with “The Joke.” Loved every second of this woman’s performance. She is so in the moment, and we were thrilled to be there to watch.

BIRDLAND’s own Jerée Reyna, a sensational singer and a beloved server, she kicked ass and reminded us all that everyone in NYC is perusing their dream, not just bringing you a martini. And ending the night was the fabulous Carson Scott Higgins. This delightful human can sing his face off, and boy did he. With the band and again the amazing Sean Harkness, he tore into Eric Clapton’s Change the world.

What an incredible ending to a stellar show. The band, John Miller, Clint de Ganon and Brad Simmons played like Gods. I still can’t believe I was there to see a show for the record books. I am so lucky. I get to do this every week. See you next Tuesday!

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Susie Mosher

Susie started performing professionally when she was sixteen in the West coast premiere of Godspell at The Old Globe Theatre. She's been performing ever since. Night clubs, theater, television and movies have been along her checkered path, including films Lost Souls, View from the Top, It’s Pat, The Wedding Planner and Bear City 2. She has been seen on TV in Beverly Hills 90210, Snoops, Veronica’s Closet, The L Word, and Nurse Jackie. Susie finally obtained her childhood dream of being on Broadway when she was cast in HAIRSPRAY and played Prudy Pingleton for the last two years of its amazing six year run. Susie has her own weekly show, THE LINEUP with Susie Mosher, at the world famous BIRDLAND in New York City, and is finally living her best life with her wife of 25 years and their baby boy.

Susie Mosher has 11 posts and counting. See all posts by Susie Mosher

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