Tuesday, January 21, 2025

‘You’re Going To Be a Dad’ offers practical advice for fathers-to-be

Nothing quite prepares you for the reality of parenthood, but DaddiLife Books (the leading platform and community for modern-day dads) is a great starting point for any new dad-to-be.

What’s it like to track the nine-month pregnancy journey week by week? What should you expect in the first twelve months of parenthood? How has parenting changed in a post-Covid world?

You’re Going To Be A Dad addresses many of the concerns and fears that new fathers across the globe ponder. Reinforcing fathers’ needs to be treated as equals when it comes to parenting, this guide is a quantum leap from those more traditional views of the dad’s role.

You’re Going To Be A Dad is a result of five years understanding modern day dads; their challenges, highs and lows, and in-depth interviews with dads from all across the world so that we can provide the answers to the questions they really want answers to, as well as normalising their anxieties and worries.

In the interviews with over 50 new dads and dads-to-be, specifically for this book, it’s clear that dads go through so much more under the surface than many see (and which many other dad books don’t go cover). For instance, reflections such as: How to be truly open with your feelings and what you may be going through.

DaddiLife Books says: “This is the first book for new dads that considers all the changes that Covid-19 has created for dads, and what that advice would mean for any long-term implications of Covid.”

DaddiLife Books is the publishing division of DaddiLife – the leading platform and community for modern-day dads.  Formed five years ago with a mission to shine a light on the generational change of modern-day dads, the team has written about several topics, issues, and opportunities in the area and has grown to a community of over 150,000 dads.

The website has useful information for single dads, divorced dads, and gay dads too — including this great piece by Damian Kerlin about how gay dads are perceived in the LGBTQ+ community.

When speaking to a number of same-sex Daddies, Kerlin heard comments comments such as:

‘Friendships have been harder to maintain, and for the majority, we just aren’t as close anymore. Our lifestyle has changed, and not everyone was as accepting of that, as we had hoped. They just thought we would still be at every dinner and party. It was just as easy as ‘getting a babysitter’. It is sad.’

‘The gay community can be really selfish, and rightly so, we have fought long and hard for the freedoms we are granted today but suddenly you don’t come first, your child does, and that can take some time to get used to, particularly for others.’

‘In the gay community you can sometimes feel pressured to act a certain way to fit in, but no-one knows how to act as a father. It’s unknown, every case is different, you don’t know it until you are in it and that uncertainty can unsettle people.’

As our community constantly evolves, DaddiLife.com has useful information, especially about pregnancy (should you be engaging a surrogate, or should you be a transman who is pregnant himself); and the rewards of being a gay foster parent.

To find out more visit. www.daddilife.com.

Youre Going To Be A Dad is published by DaddiLife Books and is available to purchase in paperback here.

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