Saturday, February 22, 2025
GroomingHealth & Happiness

Simple skincare tips for gay men over 40

Our skin is our largest organ and it’s important to take care of it, even if you’re male identified. Jackie Edwards reports.

Skin health is particularly important for gay and bisexual men, who are more likely to get skin cancer than straight men — potentially due to the prevalence of tanning bed use, Reuters reported. Gay and bisexual men are more likely than straight men to use indoor tanning, and almost as likely as women to engage in the dermatologically risky behavior, according to the research. But tanning methods aside, there are other factors that affect skin quality.

Once you hit 40, you may start to notice issues like dryness, fine lines, wrinkles, and blotchiness — although these changes are a natural part of aging, it’s never too late to reverse them, while also preventing further damage from occurring. By embracing a holistic skincare routine, you can get healthier, younger looking skin into your 40s and beyond. 

Eat right

The products you put on your skin are important, but they can only do so much. As you age, diet plays an increasingly important role in how you look and feel. Chocolate, dairy, fatty foods, and food with a high-GI index, in particular, have all been found to increase acne – which can still be a problem well into adulthood, for example. So, cut out processed food from your diet and your skin with thank you. Instead, fill up on superfoods packed with skin-friendly antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Avocados, for example, are packed with vitamin E and are associated with more supple, springy skin. Sweet potatoes are great, too. They’re bursting with beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that essentially works as a natural sunblock to protect your skin from cell death, sunburn, dryness, and wrinkles. 

Opt for serum 

While your usual moisturizer is great for hydrating your skin, when it comes to issues like fine lines, dark patches, and wrinkles, moisturizer alone isn’t going to cut it. Now’s the time to introduce a serum into your skincare regime: serums typically feature a host of beneficial active ingredients and in higher concentrations than moisturizers. A Vitamin C serum is particularly great for brightening dull and uneven skin, as well as preventing hyperpigmentation and brown spots. Always apply a moisturizer over your serum, and don’t forget to include your neck! You can also incorporate other products with beneficial active ingredients throughout your beauty routine. For example, if you use skin whitening products, look for ones containing arbutin – a molecule extracted from the bearberry plant. 

Don’t forget to exfoliate

Shaving can sort of double as exfoliation, but you should really be using a face scrub at least twice a week to eliminate dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. In fact, men’s skin is around 20% thicker than women’s, so exfoliating becomes even more important for men. Regular exfoliation softens and tones the skin, while also eliminating built up dirt and residue. It also raises the hair follicles, which in turn helps you get a closer, quicker shave. If you have oily skin, you may find you need to exfoliate more often (at least three times a week) to prevent excess sebum building up. 

Maintaining a glowing, fresh complexion into your 40s doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated. By eating right, using a serum, and exfoliating regularly, you can look after your skin holistically as you age. 

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