My Profile
Jonathan Bardzik
Jonathan Bardzik is a DC-based storyteller, cook, keynote speaker and author of three books inspired by the fresh, seasonal ingredients he finds in the garden and at farm markets. Self taught, Jonathan seeks to inspire home cooks with the belief that life can and should be lived well, something we can do everyday by preparing and sharing simple, delicious food with those we love. Find over 250 recipes and short stories, Jonathan’s schedule of live appearances and his books at
Jonathan Bardzik serves up chestnuts and Brussels sprouts for the Holidays
Jonathan Bardzik's panang curry coconut cream of tomato soup
Summer is grilling season and here's the perfect side dish
A feast for two: Jonathan Bardzik's life-changing reverse-seared steak
Jonathan Bardzik dishes up Mary’s Ginger Molasses Butternut Squash
Not Too Late or Just in Time - Pineapple Grilled Pork
Jonathan Bardzik: The good life
Jonathan Bardzik: The best Valentine's Day save ever!
Jonathan Bardzik: Choose your own adventure… wisely
Jonathan Bardzik: The Spirit of Giving